There are several issues that don't get spoken about enough and Mental Health is certainly one of them. We all know someone who's been affected by mental health issues whether it's a member of family, friends or even ourselves at some stage in our lives. Awareness for this improving and in football in particular there's been plenty of positive movements in the fight against it. This season the EFL partnered up with Mind Charity, who do some absolutely fantastic work in helping people around the country of all ages in their battle with various Mental Health problems.
Today sees #WorldMentalHealthDay and it's something that's deservedly getting plenty of coverage. In todays busy modern world there are plenty of pressures which can make it difficult to check up on your friends and yourself, but #WorldMentalHealthDay gives everyone the opportunity to speak out about their problems in confidence. One prime example of that is Notts County defender Matt Tootle, who's today taken to the Magpies' official Twitter account to re-assure their supporters and the public that it's OK not to be OK.
The 27 year-old is the clubs official ambassador for Mind Charity this season and he's someone who's had his own battles with mental problems, which makes his message all the more impressive. Things like this give people the confidence to come out and speak about their fight with mental health so it will certainly have some positive implications. The defender gives out some excellent advice and says he's still battling with issues now too - it's very gripping.
Watch the footage below and give Mind Charity a follow on Twitter HERE - they do some fantastic work and give out some excellent advice. It's OK not to be OK.